What I will do is offer some discussion questions that I think are worthwhile for the longevity community.
- A central idea to Sinclair's book is that there is a singular cause for aging, namely loss of 'information.' Do you find his claim convincing or simply convenient? How so?
- Is the pursuit of a singular aging cause worthwhile, or are we better off tackling it in a multi faceted approach?
- Which of Sinclair's research findings to you find the most exciting? Most terrifying?
- In the legend of Prometheus, stealing fire from the gods brought him eternal torture. Sinclair presents some potential consequences to 'curing' aging - are we ready for a world in which aging stops?
- Are you ready to start taking a pill that prevents aging? What if it only slows it down?
- Suppose a pill that prevents aging is available, should it be mandatory, similar to vaccination?
- When do you think you are going to die? What would it take to change that expectation?